Firmware Mito A990 PAC File SPD SC7731 100% Sukses

Firmware Mito A990 PAC File SPD SC7731 100% Sukses - Hallo sahabat Firmware updates, Pada kali ini saya akan sharing Firmware Mito A990 PAC File SPD SC7731 , saya telah menyediakan Firmware handphone lengkap dan telah kami Uji . mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang saya tulis ini dapat anda pahami. okelah, semoga cepat Cair....amin .

Firmware Mito A990 PAC File SPD SC7731
Free Download Firmware Resmi Mito A990 PAC File SPD SC7731 untuk Unbrick Dead Setelah Flash atau Repair Stuck on Logo.
Flash Mito A990 Menggunakan ResearchDownload / UpgradeDownload atau alat SPD lainnya.

type: ROM size: 757MB
md5: c6ed9b7c5494a31fcfc51ce653560fcc
AndroidFileHost Google Drive Arechive

type: ROM size: 757MB
md5: b98beb1d241a4c92affcd090180d7bf6
AndroidFileHost Google Drive Arechive

Install ROM :
1 Unpack ROM and extract MITO_A990_25092017_V05_updateDH.tar.gz or MITO_A990_12092017_V04.tar.gz
2 Run UpgradeDownload or FactoryDownload or ResearchDownload
3 Click on "Load packet"and add the MITO_A990_25092017_V05.pac or MITO_A990_12092017_V04.pac
4 Click on "Start"
5 Press and Hold Volume Up and connect your android device to the computer
6 Flasing will run and wait until the process is complete
7 Finish