Download Firmware vivo Y21 Scatter File, Flash menggunakan Flashtool, Untuk mengatasi Bootloop, Brick gara- salah firmware atau gara2 Custom Rom.
Sudah saya sertakan juga Untuk FRP dan file untuk penggantian eMMC.
BROM version: 7.1632.5.0
Loading DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin (6.20 MiB)
version: 3.3001.00.00, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port... Done.
Detected PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM23)
Connecting Bootrom... Done.
Sending download agent... Done.
Platform: MT6580_S00, Hw ver: 0xCA00, Sw ver: 0x0000
Secure ver: 0xFF, BL ver: 0x01
Sec config: 0x00
SRAM size: 128 KiB
DRAM size: 1 GiB
BL Secure ver: 0x02
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: F312MB (0x463331324d42), rev: 0x06, serial number: 0x37A29BAB
Manufacturing date: Apr 2016
CID: 15010046 3331324D 420637A2 9BAB43C9
Capacity: 14.57 GiB(15,646,851,072 bytes)
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 14.56 GiB(15,634,268,160 bytes)
platform: MT6580, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: vivo
board: Y21, name: Y21
brand: vivo, model: vivo Y21
build id: LMY47I, version: 5.1 Lollipop (LMY47I release-keys)
build description: full_bbk6580_weg_l-user 5.1 LMY47I 1460605168 release-keys
build version: ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_BBK6580.WEG.L_P28
screen resolution: 854 x 480
main camera: ov5648_mipi_raw
lens: dw9714af
front camera: hi259_mipi_raw
audio: amp_6323pmic_spk
touch: GT1XX
modem: BBK6580_WE_L_HSPA_BBKMake_PD1309CW_EX_8 BBK6580_WE_L_HSPA_BBKMake_PD1309CW_EX_9
Reading preloader_bbk6580_weg_l.bin... Done.
Reading pgpt... Done.
Reading proinfo.bin... Done.
Reading nvram... Done.
Reading backup... Done.
Reading protect1... Done.
Reading protect2... Done.
Reading seccfg... Done.
Reading lk.bin... Done.
Reading boot.img... Done.
Reading recovery.img... Done.
Reading survival... Done.
Reading para... Done.
Reading logo.bin... Done.
Reading expdb... Done.
Reading frp... Done.
Reading nvdata... Done.
Reading metadata... Done.
Reading oemkeystore... Done.
Reading secro.img... Done.
Reading keystore... Done.
Reading reserved... Done.
Reading system.img... Done.
Reading cache.img... Done.
Reading userdata.img... Done.
Reading flashinfo... Done.
Reading sgpt... Done.
Files saved to \\C:\Users\Ariefati\Documents\Y21_LMY47I%20release-keys\
Firmware Vivo Y21 Single Link Google Drive
Full Backup Vivo Y21 Part Link
Full Backup, Sudah Termasuk eMMC, FRP, Nvram dll
manufacturer: vivo
board: Y21, name: Y21
brand: vivo, model: vivo Y21
build id: LMY47I, version: 5.1 Lollipop (LMY47I release-keys)
build description: full_bbk6580_weg_l-user 5.1 LMY47I 1460605168 release-keys
build version: ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_BBK6580.WEG.L_P28
screen resolution: 854 x 480
main camera: ov5648_mipi_raw
lens: dw9714af
front camera: hi259_mipi_raw
audio: amp_6323pmic_spk
touch: GT1XX
modem: BBK6580_WE_L_HSPA_BBKMake_PD1309CW_EX_8 BBK6580_WE_L_HSPA_BBKMake_PD1309CW_EX_9
Reading preloader_bbk6580_weg_l.bin... Done.
Reading pgpt... Done.
Reading proinfo.bin... Done.
Reading nvram... Done.
Reading backup... Done.
Reading protect1... Done.
Reading protect2... Done.
Reading seccfg... Done.
Reading lk.bin... Done.
Reading boot.img... Done.
Reading recovery.img... Done.
Reading survival... Done.
Reading para... Done.
Reading logo.bin... Done.
Reading expdb... Done.
Reading frp... Done.
Reading nvdata... Done.
Reading metadata... Done.
Reading oemkeystore... Done.
Reading secro.img... Done.
Reading keystore... Done.
Reading reserved... Done.
Reading system.img... Done.
Reading cache.img... Done.
Reading userdata.img... Done.
Reading flashinfo... Done.
Reading sgpt... Done.
Files saved to \\C:\Users\Ariefati\Documents\Y21_LMY47I%20release-keys\
Firmware Vivo Y21 Single Link Google Drive
- Vivo_Y21_PD1309CW_EX_A_1.10.12_MT6580_ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_mt6580.7z Size 1GB
- Vivo_Y21__5.1__ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_BBK6580.WEG.L_P28 Size 1.4GB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.7z Size 8GB
- Y21 Replace eMMC.7z Size 19MB (Untuk penggantian emmc, Hanya Sampai Logo)
- FRP.7z Size 72KB (Untuk FRP)
Full Backup Vivo Y21 Part Link
Full Backup, Sudah Termasuk eMMC, FRP, Nvram dll
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.001 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.002 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.003 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.004 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.005 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.006 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.007 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.008 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.009 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.010 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.011 Size 700MB
- Y21_LMY47I_1460605168.zip.012 Size 495MB
saource : firmware27